Friday, April 1, 2016

Mr.Teddy (part 3)

            The moment she woke up he next morning, Willa reached under the covers for Mr. Teddy.
            Gone again.
            “Huh?” Willa sat up, wide awake. “What’s going on?”
            She let out a shriek when sh saw her dresser. The drawers had all been pulled out and turned upside down. Her clothing had all been strewn in clumps and piles over the floor.
            Angrily hurling herself out of bed, Willa kicked aside a pile of T-shirts. “Gina!” she shrieked. “I’m going to murder you for this!”
            Glancing up, she saw Mr. Teddy. He grimmer at her from the dresser top.
            Willa grabbed him. “Why is this happening to me?” she screamed. “Tell me this is a dream!”
            She flew down the stairs and burst into the kitchen. Gina was eating a bowl of cereal. “Why did you do it, Gina?” Willa demanded clenching her hand into tight fists. “ Why? Why? Why did you sneak into my room, and mess it all up, an—“
            Gina gazed up from her breakfast. “I haven’t been near your room. Honest.” A grin broke out on her face.
            Willa let out a furious cry. “See, Mom? See? She’s smiling.”
            Mrs. Stewart narrowed her eyes at Gina. “Have you been playing mean jokes on your sister?” she demanded.
            “No! No way!” Gina screamed. “Why are you blaming me for something i didn’t do? I just smiled because it’s funny. But i didn’t do anything! Really!”
            Willa stared hard at Gina. “I know  you’re lying,” she said softly. “You’re a liar, Gina. A total liar.”

“I’m not!” Gina shouted. She scraped her chair back from the table and jumped up. “You’re the liar!” she told Willa. “You’re just trying to get me in trouble for no reason!” She turned and stormed out of the kitchen.
            “Stay out of my room, Gina!” Willa called after her. “You’ll be sorry! I mean it! I really do!”
            That night before climbing into bed, Willa shoved her dresser up against her door. “There,” she said, pressing Mr. Teddy’s soft body against her arm. “That should keep Gina out of here. What do you think, Mr. Teddy?”
            Mr. Teddy round, black eyes glowed back at her.
            She slept restlessly again that night. Feeling hot, she kicked off her covers. She turned onto one side, then the other. She had strange nightmares.
            When she woke up the next morning, before she opened her eyes, she reached out for Mr. Teddy.
            Willa’s eyes shot open.
            She screamed.
            The dresser had been pushed to the middle of the room.
            She sat up, her heart pounding. “My – my room!” she murmured.
            Swallowing hard, she stood up. And gazed around her room.
            Her posters – the had all been ripped from the walls and crumpled onto the floor.
            Willa’s eyes moved to the shelves. To her stuffed animals. A dole, sick feeling spread through her stomach.
            Nearly all of the animal had been pulled apart. Shredded. Bits of them lay strewn across the room. A tail here. A piece of stuffing there.
            Their eyes had been torn out of their heads. Their arms and legs ripped from their bodies.
            Willa staggered to her doll corner. Every doll had been broken and torn apart. They lay in a heap of arms, scraps of clothing, broken heads, patches of hair.
            “Hey!” Wila raised her eyed to the top of the shelf. Mr. Teddy stood there triumphantly, his eyes glowing happily. In one raised paw, he held an arm from one of her dolls.
            “No! Willa murmured. “No. Please – no!”
            Mr. Teddy suddenly toppled forward. His out-stretched arms reached for Willa’s throat.
            Willa let out a shriek and dived out of his way.
            The bear landed on the floor with a soft thud.
            Willa spun around. Tripping over parts of dolls and stuffed animals, she plunged out of her room. Down the stairs. Into the kitchen.

-Admin FF
source: Goosebumps novel

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