Monday, February 29, 2016

Creepy Song?

I feel fantastic, a creepy song in my opinion that's sung by a female robot named Tara.
There's just something about the song that gives me the chills AKA goosebumps.

My friend actually told me about this song and i listened to it right away.
It actually gives me the chills once i heard the song immediately.

SO... i decided to search the history of this song and surprisingly...
It turns out, that the one who made the robot is actually a serial killer...
Who killed a lot of victim and the victim's clothes were put on the robot.
So.. that means the victim's spirit probably inside the robot right?
Which explains why it just give us the chills?
Or.. maybe just me?
Or perhaps it's just the tone and the background plus the creepy robot?
Well.. just comment here what'd you think of it  :)

And i also heard that the person who posted the video on youtube...
Suddenly just disappeared and never been heard again...
Doesn't that just gives you more chills?

Enjoy the song :b
Here's the link~

~Admin LL 

Saturday, February 27, 2016

4 Creepy Places in Bandung ( Indonesia )

Bandung Medical Center ( BMC )
Bandung Medical Center is a hospital which has existed from the Dutch era and no longer operates
as how it used to be in 17 years. BMC consist of four floors and from each floor it's rumored that the creepiest place is the nursery. 

If u wanna visit this place, it's open to the public from 10 A.M. until 5 P.M.
Potato House
Babakan Siliwangi
Maluku's Garden

Potato house is located on Aceh and it's rumored that it smells like potato smell which is really strong. They say that in the Dutch era there's a big party in that house and there's a girl cooking potatoes in a big crock for threatening in that event or party while carrying a baby. By accident and somehow, the baby that she carried, suddenly slip from her arms and worse, the baby falls into the big crock which is being use to cook the potato. The baby finally breathe the last breath in that boiling big crock of potatoes.

In Babakan Siliwangi, they say that in 1981, there's a hit and run accident which killed a little girls named Uci. Uci and her family was planning to eat in a restaurant called Siliwangi, but when they were going to cross there was an unknown car that hit the family and sadly, Uci the little girl died. When that happens, Uci brought her favorite doll and until now which lead to a mystery, that doll is gone nowhere to be found.

Maluku's garden which has a sculpture of a pastor. It's rumored, which is a mystery here is that the head and the shape of the sculpture is different. According to reports circulating, the reason Pastor Verbraak's sculpture was there is because that pastor died from a plane crash and was buried under the sculpture that's standing right now. But a few years later, the family took the pastor's body and bring it home and buried it in Netherlands. That sculpture was build as an honor for his service.

Source : infobgd & uknownymous 
( translated to English by admin LL with some edits )
-Admin FF 

Friday, February 19, 2016

Horror Anime

Hey there!!! Admin LL here~ ( O 3 O )
Just wanna share a horror anime with you guys ^.^
I happen to be an otaku actually :b

Corpse Party: Tortured Souls

It's actually a game turned into an anime, but the shorter version of it, they're really great!!
Both the game and the anime :)
It's a movie about 7 teenager having a last meeting in their class room at night because some of them are moving to a different school. One of them brought a paper charm as a symbol of their friendship, little did they know it's actually a curse... and...
Well, that's all! You don't really think i'm gonna tell you all of the story..... right?
If you wanna know more about it then you should watch it! :P
If you think the movie is a bit odd, like it didn't tell you every detail...
You should try the game! It's a lot i mean A LOT longer than the movie, but...
It explains a lot of the story so you'll understand it more~
I suggest you watch the movie first unless.... 
You already did of course :3

It contains gore and brutal kill, so please don't watch it if you're disgusted  by it~

That's all from me, please enjoy the movie~ ( O 3 O )

About Us~

Hey everyone~
We're just a student assigned to make a blog and update it oftenly.
This blog is taken care by two admins : admin FF and admin LL
We're here to share to mystic things AKA horror stuff~ ( O 3 O )

That's all about us, please enjoy our post and check our blog oftenly~
Thank you~ :)

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Countess Vampire

She has been described as the most vicious female serial killer in all recorded history. Where fact ends and fiction begins in her horrible story is now impossible to determine, but in her fame as a legendary vampire she is outrivalled only by Count Dracula. Born in 1560, she was endowed with looks, wealth, an excellent education and a stellar social position as one of the Bathory family, who ruled Transylvania as a virtually independent principality within the kingdom of Hungary.

When she was 11 or 12 Elizabeth was betrothed to Ferenc Nádasdy of another aristocratic Hungarian family, but a year or two later she had a baby by a lower-order lover. Nádasdy was reported to have had him castrated and then torn to pieces by dogs. The child, a daughter, was quietly hidden from view and Elizabeth and Nádasdy were married in 1575 when she was 14. Because Elizabeth socially outranked her husband, she kept the surname Bathory, which he added to his own.

The young  couple lived in the Nádasdy castles in Hungary at Sárvár and Csetje (now in Slovakia), but Ferenc was an ambitious soldier and was often away. Elizabeth ran the estates, took various lovers and bore her husband four children. She was 43 when he died in 1604.Word was beginning to spread about her sadistic activities. It was said that she enjoyed torturing and killing young girls. At first they were servants at her castles, daughters of the local peasants, but later they included girls sent to her by local gentry families to learn good manners.

She believed that drinking the blood of young girls would preserve her youthfulness and her looks. Witnesses told of her stabbing victims or biting their breasts, hands, faces and arms, cutting them with scissors, sticking needles into their lips or burning them with red-hot irons, coins or keys. Some were beaten to death and some were starved. The story that Elizabeth used to bathe in their blood seems to have been added later on.A Lutheran minister went to the Hungarian authorities, who eventually began an investigation in 1610. In December of that year Elizabeth was arrested and so were four of her favourite servants and intimates, who were accused of being her accomplices. 

They were tried and found guilty. Three of them were executed and the fourth was sentenced to life imprisonment.Elizabeth herself was not put on trial, because of her family’s standing, but she was shut up in Csetje Castle, held in solitary confinement in a room whose windows were walled up. She was 54 when she died there in 1614.
-Admin FF

The Candy Lady

Clara Crane

Around the turn of the 20th century, children started going missing in a small rural county in Texas. People blamed it on The Candy Lady, a woman who supposedly lured children to her home with candy, then they were never heard from again.

Children in the area told stories of how they would wake in the morning to find candy sitting on their window sills. Fearing that their parents might try to stop the person, or thing, leaving the candy, they didn’t tell any adults.

After a child had received the candy for a while they would start to find notes on the wrappers, many times asking the children to come and play. The notes were signed “The Candy Lady.” 

Over the span of about a decade, a handful of kids went missing. As some children got a little older they started to confess that they had eaten candy left on their window sills from a “Candy Lady.” 

According to the story, other strange things happened around this area that spooked the residents. A farmer found the rotten teeth of a child in a candy wrapper at the edge of one of his fields. A police deputy started investigating the disappearance of the children and a few weeks later they found his dead body in a ditch. His eyes were stabbed with a fork and his pockets were filled with candy.

To this day, any time a kid goes missing, all the locals say The Candy Lady got them. Children believe that she takes them somewhere and pulls out their teeth or stabs them with a fork.

Raven C. from Texas

Source :

~Admin LL ( O 3 O )